Systematic literature review informing the 2022 EULAR recommendations for screening and prophylaxis of chronic and opportunistic infections in adults with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseasesGeorge E Fragoulis, Mrinalini Dey, Sizheng Zhao, Jan Schoones, Delphine Courvoisier, James Galloway, Kimme L Hyrich, Elena Nikiphorou
2 November 2022
Gender equity in academic rheumatology, current status and potential for improvement: a cross-sectional study to inform an EULAR task forcePavel V Ovseiko, Laure Gossec, Laura Andreoli, Uta Kiltz, Leonieke van Mens, Neelam Hassan, Marike van der Leeden, Heidi J Siddle, Alessia Alunno, Iain B McInnes, Nemanja S Damjanov, Florence Apparailly, Caroline Ospelt, Irene E van der Horst-Bruinsma, Elena NikiphorouSee the full list of authors
8 August 2022
SARS-CoV-2 vaccine safety in adolescents with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: data from the EULAR COVAX physician-reported registrySaskia Lawson-Tovey, Pedro M Machado, Anja Strangfeld, Elsa Mateus, Laure Gossec, Loreto Carmona, Bernd Raffeiner, Inita Bulina, Daniel Clemente, Julija Zepa, Ana M. Rodrigues, Xavier Mariette, Kimme L Hyrich, , EULAR COVAXSee the full list of authors
31 July 2022
EULAR points to consider for including the perspective of young patients with inflammatory arthritis into patient-reported outcomes measuresPaul Studenic, Tanja A Stamm, Erika Mosor, Ilaria Bini, Nele Caeyers, Laure Gossec, Marios Kouloumas, Elena Nikiphorou, Wendy Olsder, Ivan Padjen, Sofia Ramiro, Simon Stones, Tanita-Christina Wilhelmer, Alessia Alunno
29 July 2022
Procedures for the content, conduct and format of EULAR/PReS paediatric musculoskeletal ultrasound coursesSilvia Magni-Manzoni, Valentina Muratore, Jelena Vojinović, Denise Pires Marafon, Maria Antonietta D'Agostino, Esperanza Naredo, , the Paediatric Rheumatology European Association (PReS) Imaging Working Party, Angela Aquilani, Francesca Ardenti Morini, Ellen Dalen Arnstad, Stefan Blazina, Sorina Boiu, Rosa Bou, Pernille BoyesenSee the full list of authors
7 July 2022
Levelling the playing field of RMD research across Europe to address patients’ needs: the emerging EULAR Research CentreKatja Reuter, Carina Haupt, Anna Molto, Andrew Cope, Ronald F van Vollenhoven, Dirk Elewaut, Rik Lories, Iain B McInnes
17 June 2022
Therapeutic drug monitoring of biopharmaceuticals in inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease: a systematic literature review informing EULAR points to considerCharlotte Krieckaert, Borja Hernández-Breijo, Johanna Elin Gehin, Guillaume le Mélédo, Alejandro Balsa, Meghna Jani, Denis Mulleman, Victoria Navarro-Compan, Gertjan Wolbink, John D Isaacs, Astrid van Tubergen
3 June 2022
Effects of diet on the outcomes of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs): systematic review and meta-analyses informing the 2021 EULAR recommendations for lifestyle improvements in people with RMDsJames M Gwinnutt, Maud Wieczorek, Javier Rodríguez-Carrio, Andra Balanescu, Heike A Bischoff-Ferrari, Annelies Boonen, Giulio Cavalli, Savia de Souza, Annette de Thurah, Thomas E Dorner, Rikke Helene Moe, Polina Putrik, Lucía Silva-Fernández, Tanja Stamm, Karen Walker-BoneSee the full list of authors
2 June 2022
Effectiveness of remote care interventions: a systematic review informing the 2022 EULAR Points to Consider for remote care in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesAndréa Marques, Philipp Bosch, Annette de Thurah, Yvette Meissner, Louise Falzon, Chetan Mukhtyar, Johannes WJ Bijlsma, Christian Dejaco, Tanja A Stamm, , On behalf of the EULAR task force on Points to Consider for the for remote care in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, Annette de Thurah, Philipp Bosch, Andréa Marques, Yvette MeissnerSee the full list of authors
6 May 2022
Disseminating and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education in inflammatory arthritis: a mixed-methods study with patients’ perspectivesBethan Jones, Sarah Bennett, Ingrid Larsson, Heidi Zangi, Carina Boström, Kristien Van der Elst, Françoise Fayet, Mie Fusama, María del Carmen Herrero Manso, Juliana Rachel Hoeper, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Suet Kei Kwok, Elsa Frãzao-Mateus, Patricia Minnock, Tiziana NavaSee the full list of authors
22 April 2022